
Over the years, NAPC Ltd. has garnered many achievements to its name. These include:

1983: NAPC Ltd. becomes one of the early players in mechanized earth moving with state of the art equipment.

1985: Asphalting undertaken on a large scale with electronically controlled equipment

1986: Commenced mining operations in Goa handling over 2.5 million tons in the very first year.

2004: Awarded the ISO 9001:2000 certification

2005: NAPC Ltd. goes international with setting up of the Dubai Office. First international assignment for the expansion of a six-lane highway undertaken.

2007: Enters real estate segment with the launch of first residential project in Chennai.

2008: Carries out quarrying and crushing of blue stone metal. Launches NAPC Mines and Ores Pvt. Ltd.

2009: Commences water projects such as STP.

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